Read Stories TMNTG (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Girls) before they met - TeenFic.Net




TMNTG (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Girls) before they met

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this is a story about four girls/mutants/sisters that live in the big apple in the sewers (NOT like IT Wierdos -~-) also this is how the tmntg was born the leader/fearless:Lilly Hamato / Homota
the muscle/hothead:Rosalind(nickname:Rosie & Rose)
the brains/geek/egghead:Donatella (nickname:Donna) (i know it sounds similer to Donnie but deal with it suckas)
the party animal/goofball:Coco (nickname:little bean) (get it cus her name probably get it)
and there is gonna be one/two mystery chara-ters in this book that are my friends
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