After her whole team has been akumatized and now runs free from the Butterfly Miraculouses hold. Marinette down with only three miraculouses was sent tumbling through time thanks to Future Bunnix saving her from her team's clutches in a last-minute escape right before Chat Blanc got his hands on her. But seriously? Getting stuck in the past for weeks, of course, everything goes wrong on the day of the Prime Queen interview. Now she's stuck in the past and thanks to her team using akumatized Bunnix her identity has been revealed in the grandest way ever...on the Prime Interview by her Akumatized teammates.
With only the butterfly and peacock miraculouses as her aid, Marinette and past Marinette must fight to get her team back before they rip the timeline apart...literally. But first Marinette has to avoid her nosy past classmates, her worried past parents, younger Chat Noir, and a very curious public along with a desperate Chat Blanc who will stop at nothing to ensure his lady is safely back in his arms and his family is forever whole.
and in the end, no foul harm will come, the cure will erase the past changes...right?