Read Stories Tidal Pools and Stars - TeenFic.Net




Tidal Pools and Stars

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The original author is passmethemolly on ao3, i'm uploading here because it's easier for me to read things on wattpad :)

"Promise me," George says, holding out his slender pinky to Dream with his eyes still gazing up to the sun, "that you won't actually fall in love."

Dream hesitates as he looks down at the pinky in front of him. One week with George is far from enough time to develop that kind of feeling, right? But still, he hooked his own pinky around George's cautiously, wondering why George even thought that in the first place.

"Trust me, I promise," he responds. George turns to look at him with a slow smile spreading on his face as the salty wind blows around them, seaspray kissing their faces. Dream grins back at him, but he couldn't help but feel like he just made a horrible, terrible mistake.

"Then what are we waiting for?"


Dream signs him and George up for a couple's getaway in the Florida Keys and things kinda snowball from there.
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