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Three Hearts

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When love comes in your life, it brings in the cliche moments, it makes the moves cheesy because it is love and mysterious are its ways.


"I don't recognize myself after I've met you. You've changed me for good. I am starting to believe in happily ever after. And, in me." He said, holding her hands and she smiled.

"You make the world worth living in. I see these pretty eyes, wanting to drown in them forever. My soul belongs to you. Without you, I am nothing." He poured his heart out, cupping her face and she grinned.

"When I first saw you, I grew fascinated. When I talked to you, I became protector. Now I know you and I just want to be with you. You give me power, you give me peace. You make me, me." He confessed, kissing her forehead and she blushed.
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