Read Stories Then, There Was Aine ✅ - TeenFic.Net

Short Story



Then, There Was Aine ✅

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Highest rank: #423 in Short Story (28 September 2017)

Jaejoon wanted to die.

As a musical protégé, he had quickly risen to stardom only to realize that fame came at a price. Having fallen far from his pedestal and having lost the ability to make music, he decided that death was his only recourse. And so, one summer night, when a typhoon wreaked havoc outside his remote cottage in idyllic Jeju Island, he invited death to come knocking.

When death arrived at his door, it brought an unexpected companion. With death came an angel who played beautiful music that stirred his soul. The only problem was, she only spoke English, a language he barely understood.

Was this another one of fate's cruel tricks or was it a second chance at redemption?

A/N: This story was originally written for the #OneMillionProject anthology. It's a project involving a global network of creatives working to fund Cancer Research UK and EMMAUS (Homelessness organization).

Thank you to Erikson (@LeQueen-) for helping me with the cover.
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