Read Stories Their Struggles - TeenFic.Net




Their Struggles

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Meet Darren
He's a seventeen year old good looking singer. He acts, but in his projects only. He always show the real him. He's not afraid of what do people thought about him. And not even afraid to face any struggles that are every hard to solve. But his greatest fear is to lose someone he loves the most.


Meet Kyline
She's a sixteen year old girl who knows how to act, sing and dance. Like Darren, she can also act, but only in her projects. She's an international artist, he came from US and went to Ph to continue her studies. But what if her love of her life will not able to remember anything. Their relationship and all they went through. And ofcourse her. Is she will regret all? And him?

Let find out.


Well first of all. Thank you so much for adding my story in your reading lists. With that, Im very happy. Seeing you enjoying my story makes me feel more special. Touchified iz meh. Dejklang. Basta yun. Mahal ko kayo. Mwapss
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