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The Wrong Potter

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Hayley and Brandon potter were twins born on July 31, 1981. When Voldemort attacks Godric Hollow and Brandon is pronounced the boy who lived Hayley gets neglected and even emotionally and verbally abused. after years of neglect, you would look at her and think she was anorexic, but it was only because she was malnutrition. she spirals into a deep, dark spiral of depression, And suicidal thoughts

After being sorted into Slytherin, she was ignored by her house mates and hated by professor snape. her best friend was with her through thick and thin. that was until 2nd year when she lost her battle and took her own life.

When Remus Lupin takes up the post of defense against the dark arts teacher he starts to notice Hayley's battle. Will he be able to stop her before it's too late.

will Dumbledore realize his mistake, before there only hope for a war-free world, is gone
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