Read Stories The Super Mario Bros Movie 2 (SMBMR) - TeenFic.Net




The Super Mario Bros Movie 2 (SMBMR)

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(Warning: The following story is apart of the Super Mario Bros Movie Rewrite series. If you have not read previous stories, it may not make sense.......But hey! I'm not here to judge! Read at your own decision! Who knows? Maybe you'll like it!)

Being stuck in another world can make one feel quite homesick! Even if that proverbial one is a heroic plumber who has saved the world before!

Enter Mario and Luigi, plumbers from another world who were sucked to the mushroom kingdom and got trapped there due to Luigi's clumsiness and Mario's selfishness....

But since then, they've been working to build that way back home that so dearly desire.

And then, finally, they build it! With the help of some mysterious strangers though....

Now, they're back in their world, but life isn't going to be as good as it used to be....

They have a few problems to fix....which are ultimately caused by them, but they have enough on their plates right now besides realizing that....
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