Read Stories The Stars Guide Us; They do not Bind Us - TodoMomo - TeenFic.Net




The Stars Guide Us; They do not Bind Us - TodoMomo

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Momo is a princess trapped by her station in life. Destined to wither away behind the stone walls of the castle, Momo has accepted her fate when a dark intruder happens upon her in the dead of night. With an accidental friendship and maybe something more blooming in her chest, Momo begins to long for more, but knows it can't be. Dreams aren't meant for princesses.


Her fingers tremble. She brings a hand up to curl over her heart as she bundles her courage and looks up to meet his gaze.

"May I ask a favor before you go?" Momo whispers.

He stares at her intently, and she takes it as a sign of acceptance. She inhales slowly.

"Would you kiss me?"
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