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The Silent Mate

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Ever since Allison Grey was a little girl, she's only know this: Her mother was gone, and it was all her fault. What happened? She has no idea. But her father doesn't miss a moment to remind her, and punish her for it. She begged and pleaded for it to stop, but it only made it worse. Eventually she gave up, and never spoke again.

She has never stayed one place longer then a few months. That was, until she moved to a small town and in the middle of her Senior year at Rosecreek Highschool. Everyone acted so weird. They actually talked about her, and everyone called her human. She was never allowed to have friends, let alone a boyfriend. But there was this one guy, that would not leave her alone, no matter how much she tried. But at the same time, she didn't really want him to go.


Alexander Knight has everything he could ever want. Money, Popularity, Looks, fancy EVERYTHING. He's even next in line to be the Alpha King. The one thing he doesn't have is his mate to share it all with. He's waited for her every day. Everyone thinks he's a player, but he can't even look at a girl that he knows isn't his mate.

When the day finally comes, she turns out to be human. Not just that, but she won't even give him the time of day, she won't even speak to him. He knows she's hiding something, but what?

Will he ever get her to talk to her? Will he be able to win her over? Will he figure out what's going on with her?

A/N: This is my first story, constructive critisim is welcome, but please be nice. Pictures and video do not belong to me. Any relation to another story or anyone in real life is completely coincidental. If I haven't had at least one food, hopefully Cheesecake mention in each chapter, than I have failed you.
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