Dakota has been saving the Fey for as long as she could. Her only friend Gwaine or the Green Knight, knows her by Dakota, everyone else knows her as The Shadow Knight. What happens when she comes across The Weeping Monk during a fight to save maybe even a few Fey? She swears she knows the fighter in front of her, but can't remember who it is.
"Your such a freak" a village kid said to her.
"Your eyes aren't natural" another says.
"Why are your ears pointier than ours" a teen mocks.
"Why don't you leave her alone, she can't help it" her brother came up to them defending her.
The past will always bring itself back up, even if it's supposed to only be myths and legends. So what will Dakota's family's past hold? How will she deal with it when she finds out the truth?
All credit goes to the wonderful creators of Cursed, I only own the idea Dakota, her family, and her past together with the weeping monk