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The Secrets We Keep

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Every one has their secrets. Some are to protect, some are to hurt, it is the way you use them that matters. But same goes for outsiders of your secrets, if they know them. They can use your secrets to hurt you or save you. It all matters in who you trust. Some will trust no one. Some with trust a selected few. Now trust can be broken or a new trust can be made. At least that's what I know.

Aria has growen up trusting no one. 16 and adopted she wants to know why she cant find her parents.

Austin. The rich bad boy. With his parents never home and only cares about himself he has a lot of secrets only his best friends no.

What will happen with Aria sleeps in and is late to school? What will Austin think of this little girl who is not afraid of him? Found out in "The Secrets We Keep"
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