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The promise between us

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After graduating from high school, Krisa and her childhood friend Taylor have big plans for life now that they are free.

But Taylor decides to sign up for the army like his late brother did. His family wished he wouldn't, they were still trying to handle other loses.

While getting ready to leave, Krisa decides to make a promise with her best friend that he better come back, not in a body back. That he has to come back here and live with his mother and younger brother. That he can't make them go through another lose again.

Taylor breaks his promise.

Krisa is trying to figure out what happened when she notices someone at Taylor's funeral.

There is a man who's Taylor's age and height, same weight and muscle build. And calms to be Taylor's friend who services with him in the army.

But Krisa's not sure....

Is this mysteries guy Taylor in descries or is it really just one of his friends? If it really is Taylor, why did he stage his death? What or who is he hiding from?
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