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The Man from Down South

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This is an R6S (rainbow 6 siege) story I made for my Oc who is somewhat new but keeps to himself, and already making new friends but a few who don't want anything to do with him a short summary about him is in order so I'll put it here. (This ain't racist because I myself am Mexican, just born in the US)

His name is Matthew (Matteo), Gonzalez his callsign is Fijar which is fix in Spanish. He is the first to be born amongst his 12 other siblings making him the oldest out of the bunch. He's an extremely smart man and graduated high-school at the age of 12, then finishing college at the age of 15. Sadly, he was a jolly fat kid but surprisingly smart although he never used his smarts in a legitimate way until his grandfather passed away...and I know what you're thinking, "really? A dead grandpa? Pfft." I'll make an origin story later btw. But now he's 6"4 which is TALL for a Mexican, weighs 185 lbs and was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. He's a 2 armor 2 speed operator and on the defense side, his gadget is used to repair broken equipment, from Kapkan traps, to the reinforced walls that have been busted. He can fix things until he runs out of useful items, depending on the size of the project it takes the materials needed. He's Rainbow's finest mechanic and driver, and this is a story on how he made a footprint on rainbow, strengthen his bond with more ops, and gained trust with those who didn't. Without a further ado, here's the part series, I'll add more later and these stories are about his creations (because I'm a car guy, sorry, there's still gonna be shoot outs, plans, etc) and a thank you to anyone who bothered to click and read, sorry if I wasted your time!
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