Read Stories The loves, lives, deception, and mystery of Tutankhamun - TeenFic.Net




The loves, lives, deception, and mystery of Tutankhamun

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Many have wondered who the mother of Tutankhamun was. Many wondered what caused his father, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), to go off the beaten path. What happened to Kiya, a known wife of Akhenaten, who disappeared and whose monuments were defaced in an attempt to erase her from history. Who was Smenkhkar, the Pharoah before Tutankhamun? Why did Nefertiti disappear, and what happened to her? And how was it that Ankhesnamun conceived two children by Tutankhamun, yet never birthed a live child? All these answers and more are answered as we follow the lives of Tutankhamun and his family.
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