Read Stories The light of you reflects in your absence | Kavetham angst - TeenFic.Net




The light of you reflects in your absence | Kavetham angst

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TW - References to eating disorders and suicide.

Becoming roommates with Kaveh was a spur of the moment thing for one of the few times in his life Alhaitham readily let someone invade his well-kept space.

It's also something he didn't really think through, more so done because of the respect that he felt for Kaveh and how wrong it looked to see him so pitiful in a tavern seat.

The potential cons to his decision were an oversight on his part. Really, it should've been obvious with how the two clashed that sharing a home would be the same as lighting the match that burns it down.

β˜† | Alhaitham's reflection on sunny days, cloudy days, and the rainiest of days put into two sides.
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