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The Life We Will Fight For

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Sequel to "The Life We Left Behind" - Regina's happy ending is almost within reach: she's deeply in love with the Wish Realm version of Killian Jones and has just found out that she is expecting his child. But before she can tell him the happy news, he disappears without a trace... What happened? Where is he? And why is Regina's "evil" half coming back into town - who is also pregnant with Wish Realm Robin's baby?

Takes place after the 7th season when everyone has returned to Storybrooke (Henry's grown up, there are no alternate timelines and only one version of each character, except for the Wish Realm versions).
The first part - 'The Life We Left Behind' - is about how Regina and Killian got together as Roni and Rogers back in Hyperion Heights and how Regina finally managed to conceive a biological child.
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