Read Stories THE LAST HYDROMANCER - TeenFic.Net





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In a kingdom by the ocean, chaos reigns as relentless demons breach its once-majestic walls. Amidst the clash of swords and the crackle of dark magic, valiant water mages struggle to fend off the invaders with towering waves and torrents of water. In the palace, King Daniel and Queen Oceania face a heart-wrenching decision as their home crumbles around them. To protect their newborn son, Dylan, Queen Oceania must flee, transforming into a mermaid and swimming away from the doomed kingdom. Despite being wounded by an arrow, she reaches a deserted island and, with her last strength, ensures Dylan's safety before disappearing into the sea. As the sun sets, the infant's cries echo, his fate now tied to the hope of a savior.
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