Read Stories The Last Guardians : The Blood Of The Archibald - TeenFic.Net




The Last Guardians : The Blood Of The Archibald

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Come and discover the Archibald family who will be involved in an intergalactic plot to destroy humanity. Meet Patrick Archibald, an engineering scientist who will revolutionize the intergalactic energy industry. Follow Lucian on his personal quest from his paradise island of the Twins to the distant lands of the planet Hateya to meet his destiny.

In this first opus, we will set up the framework of the story as well as the stakes, both political and personal of our protagonists. And we will see the evolution of our characters from the perspective of the looming threat.

You are invited to embark on this journey with us in an epic that mixes introspection and adventure; between intergalactic plots and mysticism. A family saga "The Blood Of Archibald", which would not deny the "naturalistic" inspirations of the venerable Émile Zola, guides us in a human world connected to alien worlds. Yet the stories are really rooted in the earth and in a form of mythical reality.
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