Read Stories The kings rebel *Published*  - TeenFic.Net




The kings rebel *Published*

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over 100 years ago vampires and werewolves took over the earth. Putting human into slavery, sold as pets or killed.
A group of witches couldn't stand to see this happen so they created the ultimate hunter to hunt and kill supernatural creatures. The Hunters soul purpose is protect the humans and to free the world of the supernatural. Even if it meant dying in the process.
However the moon goddess and sun goddess have different plans, changing the hunter into what she hates most........
After over a 100 years of protecting humans hybrid Celene run into unwanted bump or bumps in the road.
The twin princes host several balls in hopes to find their mate... What will they do when they find out their mate is the one sent to destroyed them and their kind.

Will celene continue with what she was created to do or will she let herself get caught up with the twins...
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