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The King's Men

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A useless king is replaced by his older brother and is sent away to find some use in himself, along with his most loyal servant and his most loyal soldier. Wanting to prove his brother right, that he CAN be useful if he tried, he faces many hardships and trials, and realizes that what his servant and soldier may feel for him is not loyalty, but something else...

Warning: Yaoi, aka boyxboy, which means GAY, homosexual, etc. Don't like? Don't read. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. ^^

A/N: There's been some misconception about this being a Chinese historical fiction or something like that. I get that it seems that way, but honestly it's a bit more Japanese than Chinese, but it's also more a mix of cultures. I guess you can say it's like all the cultures of the world mixed together in one kingdom. Sorry for any confusion. ^^'
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