When the BAU is called in to consult on the case of a war criminal, Bianca Brown enters the life of Dr. Spencer Reid. With a soft spot in her heart for poetry, stars, and kind-hearted geniuses, the two literature lovers seem to fit perfectly together. Their love is a whirlwind of coffee and promises to stay - but such promises aren't easy to keep, especially with migraines, serial killers, and family trauma looming on the horizon. Can two broken people heal each other? Can there be love after loss? What does it really mean to keep your word? | "Spencer," she said softly, "I'm not a genius. I don't have an eidetic memory. But I remember everything about you. And do you know why?"
[In which Spencer Reid and Bianca Brown make a promise]
|begins in season 5| |Spencer Reid x Original Character| |spoilers for seasons 5 onwards|