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The Idol's Diamond

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It is a well known fact throughout the world that alliances between countries are enforced through marriage and beneficial partnerships between ruling families. This fact was exceedingly emphasized within the Regency Period of history. Love was not a factor when it came down to whether a prince or princess should be married off which left many young royals with little time to find it before the end of their first debut season. As the eldest heir to his mothers country and the last of his 8 younger brothers to be married Bahng Christopher Chan is allowed one debut season abroad to find his bride and future Queen. His search for a wife takes him straight into the heart of England under the hospitality of its Queen and her ever so nosy court. Christopher quickly becomes accustomed to the life of a foreign prince in a familiar land, reluctant to join the social war zone of drama the English call 'courtship", but eventually finding his footing in the whirlwind of high society scandals. Will he prevail in his mission to find a suitable bride, one he can share his burdens and affections with, or will he return home more lost than ever?

"I insist, dear boy. We will find you the perfect diamond. Your mother has demanded I do so and who am I to turn a close friend and fellow queen down?" Queen Charlotte made her stance on the matter clear, flashing the young prince a sly, but knowing smile. He couldn't avoid his fate even while abroad and as much as he wanted to depart and return to the seashores of Australia his pride forced him to remain on English soil in search of a bride.
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