Read Stories THE FORTUNIST - TeenFic.Net





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"You don't find the Fortunist, the Fortunist finds you."

Nobody knows how the nine cryfixes- magical accessories- came to be. But the country of Albeny has made their magic its foundation while submitting to the whims of a Fortunist, an alleged sorcerer who can wield all aspects of cryfix magic.

The Fortunist's tale sweeps through seven houses and three independent territories, as the legitimacy of Albeny's claim to cryfix magic is finally put to question. Two princes trying to save their royal legacy; A restaurant owner trying to find her sister and; A general's son plotting treason. Their web of lies, treachery, adventure, questions and answers would all intertwine at the feet of one who has the power to not only unscramble their pasts but determine their future - THE FORTUNIST.
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