Jiyong being a mafia boss was never a problem for Dara; she accepted him as it is. She was happy with him beside her. Even when he would shut himself away from her and ignore her attempts to get close to him. it was hard but she never complain, she saw him in his worst days and was with him in his weakest time; maybe that was the cause of her being silent and adjusting to his mood swings.
She knew his habits of making decisions on his own or acting dominant over things but when he decided to break up with her out of blue and especially when she needed him most did the thing; she was beyond pissed off.
No reason, no explanation, and not even final good-bye.
That's when she decided she is not going to see his face again, ever.
Not wanting to waste her time pitying over herself she decided to find a job and be independent. Working for a club as a waitress was never her dream job but she kind of grew a liking for it and that she could earn enough for herself. But she never has guessed that just when she was getting a grip of her life and was ready to move on, she was gonna end up in the same situation she faced a year ago.
Jiyong was like a walking zombie, barely functioning as a human. When Dara left without notice, not leaving a single trace, he felt like he lost a part of him. it was his own decision but there wasn't a day when he regretted it with his life.
He has to get her back, no matter how far he has to go.
And when he was out of town to handle a business, he never in his life thought he would meet her there; at a club, out of all the places. Wearing a fuc**ng skimpy uniform, in the arms of another man.