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The Empire's Descent (First Draft)

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They thought this world could no longer surprise them, that every scourge of the earth and all its flaws had been bared to them.

Until, a force collided with them and subverted every natural order. The world they thought they knew was a fantasy.


"Luca, it's a male Vampyr in the Green Grotto!", she burst into his office to inform.

Luca rolled his eyes and clutched the desk before him, where he gripped splintered under the force.

"Does it still hurt that much? Ari said you'll be able to compartmentalize the pain so that it no longer gives you such a visceral response," she comforted.

"Yes, Rosalia, thank you. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do," Luca gestured for her to leave as he slowly straightened his hunched spine and freed the desk.

"Excuse me?".

"You're excused," he said dryly.

"Luca, you have a dut-,"

"No, I fucking don't. Do you see a fucking 'S' on my chest? A fucking cape? Some tights? Witty catchphrase? Anything?!".

"Wh- I- what?".

"I'm not a fucking superhero. I didn't go save Kaito because of some bullshit assignment or inheritance or whatever pretty package they wanna present this deal as! I saved my friend and that's that. Get out if you have more to say!" Luca yelled her down.
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