Alas! So it has happened. Misfortune found its way to the world's surface and had spread forth to bring eternal doom! What drove the lunatics to pray for such happenings? What sort of deity had thought it best to listen to satan's deceitful plea? "Open the surface! A small crater at least oh merciful god! Hell's fire is dying out from the lack of air! Leave it a crack! Let the flames breath and live on to punish the wicked!" And so some insane enigma dared listen and opened the gates of hell with sympathy and lo! Satan has freed himself to roam the earth's surface wreaking havoc; and once he returns to his furnace of a home, he has brought the entire human race with him there to have as companions suffering together the heat of Hades. The Enigma now speaks about himself. Surely the apocalypse has prematurely started. Woe to John for the prophecy, woe to Pandora for the cause, woe to the world for it's fate has been sealed, woe to the Revelations for it has begun.
Again with my silly exaggerations hahahahahaha No, it's not a book of satan or the apocalypse, it's a Q&A I tag you I ask you thing. Now we shall shed some light on the darkest realm called the mind of @DasRegulon