Read Stories The Engagement Trap - TeenFic.Net




The Engagement Trap

6 likes / 49 reads
two different people doesn't even know each other. just a random high school students forced by their parents to have a marriage
would they get along
would they really work out
how could it end
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Can Pollution Affect my Hair Growth?

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Imagine your hair as a delicate canvas exposed to the harsh elements of the city. Pollution, the invisible enemy, is wreaking havoc on your locks, causing a myriad of hair woes. From dullness and dryness to breakage and thinning, the impact of pollution on your hair health cannot be ignored. These microscopic pollutants cling to your hair, clogging pores, and stripping away essential moisture, leaving your strands vulnerable and lifeless.…



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《澳大利亚UTS毕业证和学位证哪里卖》【Q/微1954 292 140】《学校原版悉尼科技大学硕士文凭》请联系我们,我们将在第一时间内给你免费咨询相关信息。帮你解决悉尼科技大学学历学位认证难题。1:在悉尼科技大学挂科了,不想读了,成绩不理想怎么办???2:回国了找工作没有悉尼科技大学文凭怎么办?有本科却要求硕士又怎么办?3:打算回国了,找工作的时候,需要提供认证《哪里卖悉尼科技大学毕业证和学位证》【Q/微1954 292 140】《澳大利亚UTS学位证书电子版1比1制作》有文凭却得不到认证。又该怎么办???√如果您在英、加、美、澳、欧洲等留学过程中或回国后:1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《澳大利亚UTS毕业证和学位证哪里卖》【Q/微1954292140】《学校原版悉尼科技大学在读证明信硕士文凭》,拿不到官方毕业证;2、面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到;3、不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备;4、回国时间很长,忘记办理;5、回国马上就要找工作《澳大利亚UTS学位证书电子版悉尼科技大学硕士文凭1比1制作》【Q/微1954292140】《学校原版澳大利亚UTS毕业证和学位证学位证书电子版》办给用人单位看;  6、企事业单位必须要求办理的;7、需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口、申请留学生创业基金。主营项目:1、办理毕业证,改成绩单《哪里卖悉尼科技大学毕业证和学位证》【Q/微1954292140】《澳大利亚UTS学位证书电子版1比1制作》,悉尼科技大学Offer、在读证明、学生卡、信封、证明信等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同.2、真实使馆认证(即留学人员回国证明),使馆存档可通过大使馆查询确认.3、真实教育部国…

The Bad Boy's Melody

The Bad Boy's Melody

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Jessica Evans wanted to lay low in her final year of high-school, but when the town's resident bad boy comes back from England and steals one of her songs, she's thrown into the spotlight. Although, as she gets closer to Austin Cole, she realises that there is a lot more to him than his English charm and leather jacket.…

My Naughty Brother

My Naughty Brother

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I love you, but we're siblings. I want you, but we're siblings. Is this a sin or is this love? The weight of this forbidden love longing weighs heavy on my heart.-Calliope…



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Tundra is a large and the most advanced city in the world, highly esteemed by all the countries in the world. Various world organizations have employed numerous methods to uncover the secrets behind Tundra's advancement, which is perceived as being more advanced than other prominent cities. However, the advanced security system has thwarted every attempt to steal the secrets of Tundra's progress. Jack, who is 21 years old, is a student at the Grand University in the city of Tundra, where every aspect of a person is evaluated. Even a minor mistake can result in losing his status as a student and having his citizenship revoked. He is facing various challenges as a student because of bullying and his studies. One day, he found a mysterious letter under the desk in his classroom, offering a solution to all the conflicts he is facing. After much thought, he went to the location whose address was provided in the letter he received.After a long journey, he realized he had arrived at an alley in the middle of the city. Shortly after, a tall figure in black suddenly appeared behind him. He looked at the figure, which was imposing and masked, extending a letter to him. He was invited to join an organization whose mission was unclear, and the figure in black said that accepting this offer could solve all of Jack's life problems. With hesitation, he accepted the offer. However, his involvement in that organization turned out to be a significant regret that Jack made in his life. Now he is being hunted by the organization to ensure their goals are safe. Jack realizes that running away will not solve the problem. Therefore, he is choose to fight back and destroy them. will he succeeds?…

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Dam Backstory

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هەستت چۆن دەبێت گەر تەواوی ژیانت هەوڵ بدەیت تا سەرنجی دایک و باوکت ڕابکێشیت بەڵام هەموو ئەو هەوڵانە بێسوود بن چونکە من کچم!!؟؟؟:تەنها ئەو کارە بکە واتا ناتوانیت ئەوە بۆ باوکی خۆت بکەیت"بەگریانەوە گوتی"؟؟؟:بێگومان من نەبووم هەمووی بەهۆی زۆڵەوە بوو؟؟؟:داواکاریەکەم سادەیە من کەسێک نیم داوای شتێکی قورس بکەم"بەخەندەیەکی فیزەوە گوتی"؟؟؟:واتا بۆ یەکجاریش منتان خۆشنەویستووە؟"بەگریانەوە گوتی"؟؟؟:من تەنها میراتگرێکم ئەوێت هەر ئەوەندە؟؟؟:بێگومان من باشترینم تۆ کێیت تا خۆت بهێنیتە ئاستی من تۆ تەنها کچێکی کە جێگای بەزەییت؟؟؟:م...من ڕازیم!!START:9/6/2024END:…



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A boy who get a chance to rewrite his story and get a revange from them who had hurted him and his loved ones.......In between he also gave a beautiful ending to his love..................The right feeling for right kook bottom taeno cheatingfluff fluff and tons of fluffmild angstRevange Rebirth Time travel (maybe)…