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The Doppler Effect

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She wakes up and finds herself following a voice she doesn't recognize.
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If it is meant to be

If it is meant to be

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Liam and Nia are very different teenagers who.are still trying to figure out life , high school , love , drugs and sexuality but what happens when fate pulls them in the same direction…

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[Book 1] Star-Crossed Enemies ~ SPN/TVD/TW/Charmed

[Book 1] Star-Crossed Enemies ~ SPN/TVD/TW/Charmed

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"We are Hunter's, Emma.." Dean says, looking down at his baby sister, "You know what our job is-""Yes!" She shouts, an upset look on her face, "Of course I know what our job is!" (This story will have a mash up of almost most of the supernatural like shows that I've watched. If you haven't seen Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Charmed, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then don't read this!! Only read if you don't care about spoilers.){February 17,2018~…

Future Books

Future Books

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Just Future Books to look forward too!…

On Reflection

On Reflection

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MXM Sequel to Mirror Man.He signed his name on the dotted line. Finally he was out of that marriage, ten long years of smiling and posturing, keeping up appearances for the sake of his "wife".Fenella wasn't a bad person, quite the opposite in fact, sweet and classy, a laugh like angels singing and a liver that could hold more booze than a rugby player, but he didn't love her, and she didn't love him. It was a marriage of convenience, for business connections, conjured up by Fenella herself to save her mothers company from her self destructive, money wasting father, the man, who except for his generous donation of the sperm that created her, meant nothing to her after he beat her mother almost to death and attempted to destroy everything the woman worked so hard for. Harry Hunter-Moore, single, top lawyer and criminal Investigator, university friend and emotional support had been only too happy to step in, assisting his long time friend in the incarceration of her evil father, joining forces in a marriage that served both well. But now, with the evil mans death in prison, the marriage was ended as had always been agreed.******"Thank you Harry, for everything, you've been an excellent trophy husband", Fenella laughed as her ample chest heaved with laughter and her bright blue eyes shone, her dark blonde hair pulled into a ponytail jiggling joyfully as she pulled her now EX husband into a hug. "Fenella, it's been fun my darling, but let's not do it again", Harry laughed hugging the woman tightly. "Definitely not" the woman laughed, "irreconcilable differences remember". Pulling away checking her watch she sighed, "well, I must leave you now, thanks John, Rachel, you've been true friends", she smiled widely at Harrys business partners, giving one last cheery wave she left the room. ******Harry twisted his ring in his fingers, smiling, thankful that it was over and he could now begin again. Was 56 too late to start again?, he hoped not.…

Episode 366: A Year of His Love

Episode 366: A Year of His Love

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He grapples with his feelings for her childhood friend, which have been steadily growing over the past years. Despite his inner conflict, he keep his emotions hidden because he is afraid of the potential consequences of confessing his love to her.However, when he is unable to contain his feelings any longer, he decides to declare his affection towards her. Despite facing challenges that lead to a temporary breakup, but he remains devoted to his love, holding onto hope for a reconciliation.After four years of separation, they cross paths once again. Ano kaya ang gagawin nila? Would they just doubt and hate one another's presence? Or to reigniting the spark between them and reaffirming their commitment to each other?…

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Baby: Lackadaisy x OC

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Rocky finds into a pregnant woman in an alleyway and helps her and the baby. He takes her to the Lackadaisy and things get different.…

Oneshots for Percy Jackson universe.

Oneshots for Percy Jackson universe.

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Mostly ships will be in here. I'm a sucker for Valgrace. I'm warning you that there will be tons of Solangelo!(is that even a warning?) Percabeth is my 2nd fav ship. Other cannon and fanon will be showing up. If people say Jason dies or whatever. I don't care. He isn't dead in my eyes. No smut. Love you all. Have a great day/night!…

The Colors of Resilience: Abisai's Journey
I'm the Heroine's Maid

I'm the Heroine's Maid

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In the kingdom of Verdantire, they lived two half sisters, one who was as kind as a saint, who's golden hair shimmer in the daylight and diamond eyes, she was the favorable one, the beloved. While the other was pushed to the side, lacking, in both magic, and appearance. She was forgettable, she was alone. So I suppose it was not a shock that no one took her side when she was framed to have poisoned her sister. And what's more, the person in question was the beloved sister. She was the one who framed her, she was the one who betrayed her. Someone who was beloved everyone, including her sister, the sister cherished her, and yet she has hurt her to the depth of hell. It was a warm orange day when the lonely sister was executed. And then by miracle or an action of God, she has returned to her child form, from way back the Duke of Marrow has taken her.Yes, that is right, the lonely sister is a main character, and where does that leave me? Well not much really, I am simply a maid of the very Duke that would take the main character in his care.…