Read Stories The Daughter Of Bellatrix And Ares - TeenFic.Net




The Daughter Of Bellatrix And Ares

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Nadia is the daughter of greek god Ares and death eater Bellatrix Lestrange. She grew up in an orphanage in London not knowing her parentage. While fighting with her friends in the House of Hades trying to get Percy and Annabeth back, the ground opens up beneath her feet and she falls into the Great Hall during the Halloween feast. Read as Nadia joins the golden trio and befriends the Weasley twins and remaining marauders starting in their fifth year while she tries to figure out why she was brought there, what happened to her friends, and why there may or may not be a prophecy about her in both worlds.

Disclaimer- I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, only Nadia and a couple other characters I may or may not add.
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