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The Cherry Blossom Princess

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sakura is from a well known clan, the Karada clan which so well known it was tracked down to the Tetsu village, rouge shinobi were feed lies about the ability to obtain the Karada's power however a lie is a lie and many Karada clan members where hunted down and killed. skauras parents where murdered in in the midst of trying to escape the village, they gave her a backpack full of sealing scrolls and a few of her belongings, she was told to go to the village hidden in the leaves and she does. find out what happens when sakura gets to the hidden leaf, who will she meet? what will she do? what where in those scrolls? and will she ever come to except the hidden leaf and her new house mates?

the book gets way better please bare with me. i will be rewritting the first two chapters soon.

this will be a itasaku ship only (i do not ship sasusaku in this book)
narusasu , hinashiu, deisaso and many other ships are in this book.

i do not own naruto but i do own this version of sakura and the Karada clan,meishu,asami and the lions.
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