They'd gotten out. After being stuck as gladiators in that god-forsaken arena for who knows how long, they got out. Now the only problem is staying out, but how? None of them knew which way the exit was, so they scattered. Even if not all of them made it, it would be worth it if some of them could make it out.
Contains minor gore
This idea floated around my head long enough I couldn't not write it, and since it came out decent, I figured I'd post it.
No romance, No shipping, Essentially a backstory for if I want to write little interaction scenes.
Probably won't get consistent updates, if at all, so be warned.
Httyd music + Grian Watcher = this, apparently.
Warning! Please note!
I am in no way, shape, or form an expert on Watcher lore, nor do I intend to claim to be as such.
Any Watcher facts found in this story are to be taken with much salt, and generally considered to be only true to this specific story.
Characters are not mine, they are minecraft personas of content creators.
Cover image is a feather I found on google that I colored purple
I have only posted this story on Wattpad. Same goes for my shorter stories in my Snippets book. If you see this anywhere else, it is STOLEN.
If I ever post it elsewhere, I will state it clearly here, state where, which username, and (if I remember) when.