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The Brunette Soulmates

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Anya Wilson - she's a 17 year old brunette. 5'4. She comes from a middle class background. Her father works as an employee for Louis's father's company. Her mother is a housewife and she's average in studies. She is admitted to the famous London high school through scholarship but gets bullied all the time.. she's kind and obedient and loves to sing.. she was lucky to have loving and supportive parents.

Louis partridge - popular and athletic. He is a rich spoilt brat whose father is a CEO of the most growing 'blue star' company. He's the only son of his parents and only heir... His family may be very rich by wealth but they all have a political mind. They have no time for Louis right from his childhood hence, Louis is not that loved by his parents.. he was raised by her care taker.. he loves his care taker more than her mother.

Emily watson - Comes from a rich background, is best friend with anya, average in studies but has a detective mind. Standard and class doesn't matter for her, clumsy and extrovert.

Sarah Berkshire - She is a spoilt brat. Her father work in partnership with Louis's father. Her parents have already arranged her marriage with louis Hence, she is his girlfriend right from kindergarten. She loves Louis.. her parent's ultimate goal is to marry her with Louis.

Max astor- Comes from a rich background, is best friend with louis, a bully, lusty man, playboy with countless body count, spoilt brat
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