Read Stories The Broken Marriage | Black Miao [黑喵] Snh48 Fan Fiction - TeenFic.Net




The Broken Marriage | Black Miao [黑喵] Snh48 Fan Fiction

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Yuan Yiqi is married to Shen Mengyao for 4 years. Both of them give love and trust to each other even they have their own jobs.

Yuan Yiqi is a businesswoman while Shen Mengyao is also managing her family business.

Both of their families are supportive at the both of them until one day, a girl name Li Zhengyan suddenly came back from Yuan Yiqi's life and suddenly had an affair with her. When Shen Mengyao discover that Yuan Yiqi is cheating on her, she immediately file a divorce and leave her.

Can they have a happy ending?

8th story

Official publish : Jun 21, 2022
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