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The Broken And The Wounded

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Ruby's in complete shock, the rest of team RWBY as well for that manner, but mostly Yang. Qrow's sudden reveal as Ruby's actual father has really left its impact, the emotions of many left running very high. How many have they impacted per say, and most importantly, why did he feel the need to keep this huge secret from his "niece" for as long as he did?

Disclaimer:I don't own RWBY. I just own RWBY:RDN's story, plot, idea, and characters designs. All rights for the rest, such as the music I use in this story, goes to their respective creators, such as the great man known as Monty Oum and one of my favorite artists ever, Lucas King. Rest In Peace, Monty. Also, for you guys, do you think I should make more of these RWBY stories?
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