Read Stories The Boy With Clipped Wings (Sal x Travis)  - TeenFic.Net




The Boy With Clipped Wings (Sal x Travis)

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It was... Cold. Even with how many blankets and sweaters Travis wore, it was all so cold. It's lonely, isolated, and just empty. Anyone who came close, they were instantly pushed away and ended up fighting them. He wasn't too familiar of affection but mostly receives them through his mother. But after Sal had approached him in the bathroom, with the stall door just separating them from each other, there was a small feeling of warmth that he felt and now, he wasn't too sure what to do with it.

*Trigger Warning*

Abuse, Swearing, Violence, Homophobic slurs, Suicidal thoughts

If you are not comfortable with any of these subjects, please do not proceed to reading this book. I will be lessening the mentions of these topics as these are sensitive topics and aren't something to be romanticized.

Book Cover Photo credit:

*very slow updates*
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