Read Stories THE BOY FROM MY BALLET CLASS ( BOOK 1 completed  +  BOOK 2 sequel - OTW ) - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



THE BOY FROM MY BALLET CLASS ( BOOK 1 completed + BOOK 2 sequel - OTW )

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BOOK 1 : KATIE, A FRIENDLY and care free 13 year old girl was having a normal day at Ballet until she met a boy who said was joining her class. Katie became friends with the boy as soon as they met. Ballet class have never been so awkward ! She wants to show him what she can do and obviously wants to impress him. But, unfortunately, Katie isn't the best in the class and , although she assists a few Ballet classes. Sure, she remembers all her work, but she does silly mistakes and is often doubted on. Every class, Jason will come about the same time as Katie and they'll be happily chatting while warming up. But, one day Katie finds out that Jason --------- Dun dun dunnn!! Read and find out what happens to Jason =) BOOK 2 : IT ALL STARTED ( again ) with Helen mischieviously asking "Say, does Jason have an older brother?" In the first book, we all know what Helen did. 1. She slapped Jason on purpose during a pirouette 2. She set up 'suitable boyfriend' interviews for Katie 3. She does her matchmaking thing And many more of Helen's mastermind plotting. What's Helen up to this time ? With the help of Katie , Breena and Sylvia, Helen embarks on a journey to a far land ( nahhh.. No where far- just a few trips here and there ) to find........ Jason's brother. Ohmahgosh YESH ! He has a brother ! Little did they know that there will be a new girl in Ballet that tries to steal Jason away from Katie.
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