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The Black Phoenix

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Go ahead and underestimate me, I dare you

After the events of October 31st, the elder Potters take it to themselves to make the best out of their children. While Charlie, the supposed boy-who-lived is trained by various witches and wizards, his twin sister Jennifer is forced to learn how to be the perfect girl, and later woman.

Her parents having the best in mind for her, forbid her from training with her brother and force femininity on her, not allowing her to be her true self, and wanting her to stay away from violence as much as possible.

Jennifer doesn't agree and trains herself in secret, leaving her parents thinking she gave up, while in reality that is about as far off from the truth as possible.

If only they knew what they started.

You can hinder me, but you'll never stop me

More and more complications are forming in the Potter family. Lily and James are at their wits end with their daughter, whom they discover is not a sweet and innocent as they thought. Meanwhile Charlie is getting into more troubles with his studies, while his sister is thriving. The people around Jennifer are starting to wonder how she does it, thinking of her doing dark rituals and cheating, never once thinking that it was through had work, day in, day out. Jay is slowly losing her patiance with them, and the distance between her and her family grows.

And what's this about students getting paralyzed?
Where Dark Meets the Light

When Voldemort is at the brink of returning, Jay must make hard descisions. In order to get acces to all the Horcruxes, she must put up the act of a century. The route she has to go, however, is something she wished she could leave behind in her nightmares.
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