Read Stories The Beatles X Reader/One Shots ❤︎︎ - TeenFic.Net




The Beatles X Reader/One Shots ❤︎︎

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💚 Just some X reader's of the guys. Imma be honest I made this mostly for myself. Im lonely asf.

🍏 Gender Neutral Y/N, bc some of y'all forget that not everyone who reads X reader's are women.

💿 Requests open, but I can not promise I'll do yours. ABSOLUTELY NO SMUT/LEMON.

📼 If you do request something,, PLEASE no McLennon or Starrison,, it makes me rlly uncomfortable,,! The only good Beatles ship is me X Paul /hj

🍎 The Beatle the chapter is about will be marked with their initials inside of parentheses. For example, if the chapter was about Paul McCartney, it would have in the title (P.M), and the same goes for every Beatle.
Examples: (P.M), (R.S), (J.L), or (G.H)

🐛 This is my first post on here so apologies if there's a few typo's, or it kinda sucks or some shit. (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

🌿 constructive criticism appreciated,!!
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