Read Stories The Barren Halls of Mount Olympus - TeenFic.Net




The Barren Halls of Mount Olympus

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The halls of Olympus have been emptied leaving only a confused Zeus cursed by darkness to lose memories of who belongs there. Now he depends on inaccurate Earthen histories of his people to try to find clues as to who belongs up there with him. The gods have been scattered to the earth, reborn by humans and do not know anything about their true heritage or power.

Zeus uses logic to find them by eliminating the ordinary and looking for the unusual and extraordinary among the humans to find his people. He spies the first one he suspects and hopes that if he can convince her to take her place within the halls of the gods that she will help him find the others and eventually the perpetrators of the darkness which caused this to happen in the first place.

What was known about the gods is all about to change.
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