Read Stories The 3 Months Punishment 🌨️ - TeenFic.Net




The 3 Months Punishment 🌨️

3,240 likes / 13,220 reads
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Han Seolhee a kind but hard-headed typical girl who happen to have a lot of secrets in her life was punished to enter SM ENT. with her freedom on the line. She then met 8 dashing boys that soon changed her views in life.


" Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. "
- 문설히


🏅 Highest rank achieved:
9 on #exo-l (6-1-2020)
5 on #exostans (8-28-2020)

Copyright ©️2020. MissEriya

Started: May 7
Ended: June 29
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