Read Stories That Summer Saturates (あの夏が飽和する) - TeenFic.Net

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That Summer Saturates (あの夏が飽和する)

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「"Yesterday, I killed someone."
I remember the day you told me that. You sat there, crying outside of my room. It was just the beginning of summer, but you were trembling, like I had never seen you before. I still remember that scene. The memory of that summer. 'You did nothing wrong.' 」

「"I can't be here anymore, so I'm going somewhere far away to die."
I said to you, "Take me with you." So we set off on our journey.
A killer and a useless person. We ran away, abandoning everything else. Just the two of us.」

「I dreamed once of there being a kind person, a main character loved by everyone, even if we become filthy people, they won't abandon us. Then, can we be saved, I wonder?
"I've thrown that kind of dream away. The reason? Look at reality! The five letters in HAPPY don't exist. 'I did nothing wrong. I'm sure everyone thinks that."」

「Now, all our classmates and family are here, and you aren't anywhere. Why is it that you're the only one who isn't anywhere?」

「'You did nothing wrong.' That's all you needed me to say, right? So it's fine now. Right?

'You did nothing wrong.'」

This is really different from what I usually do, but I'll try my best to write this story to it's fullest the best I can.

This is a story, I don't really know how to catagorize something like this, starring a girl named Natsuki and a boy named Yuuma in there second year of high school.

Natsuki was always quiet and didn't really care much about making friends. An incident in her elementary school left her thinking of having friends as a burden. That was until she met Yuuma. Now she is recalling the story of that summer after 5 years, and how if she hadn't met Yuuma that year, nothing would be how it is, and she probably would have kept living while thinking of herself as useless, without ever realizing her dream. And Yuuma would still be somewhere, in a world outside of her small, isolated one, but she wouldn't have cared if he was. Her world would have remained
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