Read Stories That's Not What Happened - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



That's Not What Happened

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I just, I just don't understand. Why did this happen. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? He wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't. He wasn't like that! He was fine. We were FINE. He was happy. We were happy. End of freaking story! Why didn't he ask for help? Why did he not come to me? I know I'm not the most comforting person in the world but I am someone, aren't i? And maybe if I had'a known, I coulda done something, anything... The thought of him hurts my heart. The thought of him being gone breaks it. And the thought that I could've done something shatters it.

Warning! This book has suicide, drug and sad thoughts throughout the book.

Book has been completed!!!
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