Read Stories Teiko: The Viridian Hope (Midori no kibō) - TeenFic.Net




Teiko: The Viridian Hope (Midori no kibō)

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[In a world with superpowers, only 20% of the population have quirks]

- > Unfortunately, that's only globally. In Japan, approximately 2% do not possess quirks. Most of them are over 60, and quirkless individuals under such an age are increasingly rare these days.
- > 85% of all quirkless individuals leave Japan before 18, and not from transport.
- > 92% of all quirkless individuals who make it past adulthood end up being involved with results of hate crime, poor healthcare or lack of necessities.

{Izuku Midoriya refuses to end up the same fate, despite being quirkless}

[-Dreams and hopes shattered on a rooftop, Izuku Midoriya turns to his other properties as a true hero, an intelligent person, and a boy who wanted support and found it.-]

•He is a swan that shall soar into the sky after diving. •
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