Read Stories Tea Timeโ”†TMNT: BayLeo x FemReader - TeenFic.Net




Tea Timeโ”†TMNT: BayLeo x FemReader

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๐Ÿ“Œ Cover drawn by me. All rights reserved.

Leonardo x FemReader:

What happens when a young baker accidentally clobbers someone on the head while throwing the trash into the dumpster bin?

"Ow! Wait! Don't take another step!" a voice calls out from behind the dumpster.

Y/N: wtf ? ? โ”Œโ• ยบ โ–ก ยบ โ•โ”

**This is meant to be a short story, so do not read if you're looking for a deep-rooted plot. Most of the plot makes literally no sense, everything's there just to continue the story.**

( tmnt bayverse 2014 film )
( tmnt bayverse 2016 film )
( leonardo x Femreader )
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