Read Stories Sunflower Tears - H.S. - TeenFic.Net




Sunflower Tears - H.S.

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August is starting her first year of college, ready to turn a new page in the book that is her life. After running away from her hometown two years prior, she has started a new life in San Francisco, working in a café and making new friends.
That is, until she sees a ghost from her past, someone she would have given everything to, but who she had to leave behind: her best friend Harry Styles.
But is there too much brokenness between them, or is their relationship mendable?

"Right," Harry said awkwardly. "August, this is Blaine, my roommate, and Blaine, this is August, my..." a slow pause followed his statement, as he tried to figure out how to define her.
How could he? She had been his best friend since they were 7 years old, then his first and only love, and now she was a ghost from his past. She had been the only person that always understood him, his only escape, his breath of fresh air. He had never loved anyone the way he loved her, and when she had left, his world had fallen apart. Now, looking at her, with her big blue eyes and messy hair, his heart broke a little at the thought of describing her as his friend from home. She was so much more than that.
"... my friend from home." His voice cracked when he pronounced those words, and she quickly looked down at her feet, trying to bite down the tears threatening at her eyes. Friend from home. What a terrible label.
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