Read Stories Sun and Moon - Narutoxreader - TeenFic.Net




Sun and Moon - Narutoxreader

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You are [y/n]. You are apart of the Azaki (Az-A-Key) clan. Your clan specializes in it crazy powerful ninjutsu that could even destroy a planet! Most people in your clan have a special kekkei genkai known as "Azukiu" (a-Zoo-Kiy-Oh) that enhances chakra of the user. It can be used on others that the user chooses. When used at the max it causes an incredible strain on the users body.

You are from the hidden leaf village, with: Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi as your team leader. Sasuke, your 5th member, left the hidden leaf village for power. There are also other reasons that you will find out later on.

The reason you're team has 5 members is because Naruto has half the nine tails sealed inside of him. Some of the people around you guys know and the hokage. But you also have the other half sealed inside you. Nobody knows except you, and the hokage.

Naruto has been your best friend for your entire life, you two have always been close... for some, it's kinda odd. (You'll find out why later on)

This IS after all a ReaderxNaruto fanfic so.. Will he confess soon? Will you except? Will there be an interruption? Find out

Sun and Moon, a Narutoxreader story by MrsUzumakii

ALSO! Here are some things you need to remember while reading

[y/n] = your name

[l/n] = last name

[e/c] = eye colour

[h/c] = hair colour

[s/c] = skin colour

[f/n] = friend's name

[m/n] = moms name

[d/n] = dads name

[o/t] = outfit colour

[f/c] = favourite colour

So pretty much stuff like [_\c] means something colour and [_\n] means something name.

I hope you enjoy reading!
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