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Sucks To Your Ass-Mar

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A discordant sound ruined his sapphire fantasy.

Blinking, Ralph saw the skies for what they were. Endless pools of déja vu. Clear yet clouded, glimmering on a face that was ugly yet beautiful. He breathed in the heat.

He knew the universe he was looking at, the power in those wide skies. This creature had a name. The simplicity of it's branding contrasted with it's complex nature.



Jack, Ralph, Piggy, Simon, and Roger have been through Hell. An island infested with primal desires does end up affecting a proper group of school boys.

Even if they are British.

I totally didn't see that coming.

But when given the chance to start over and forget, to wash away the blood and heal the scars, will they take it?

And if they do, will they resume the childhood that was ripped from their young and disturbed hands?

(Oh who are we kidding, there wouldn't be a plot if they weren't brainwashed.)

Will Jack find yet another spear?

Will Ralph blow something besides the conch?

And how many times will Simon faint?

~It's a modern a.u. So stop whining, or I'll sick Merridew on you. :)

(Also Simon never died. Neither did Piggy.)

As always, if you like, give it a vote :)
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