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Stardew Ass

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small imagines and scenarios about stardew valley characters


Frisk / Male / Winter 4 / 26 / Married to Haley
Haley / Female / Spring 14 / 26 / Married to Frisk

JJ / Female / Summer 9 / 27 / Married to Sophia
Sophia / Female / Winter 27 / 26 Married to JJ

Jason / Male / Fall 20 / 4 / Son of JJ and Sophia
François / Male / Winter 17 / 4 / Son of Frisk and Haley
Stella / Female / Summer 21 / 2 / Daughter of JJ and Sophia
Briella (Brie) / Female / Fall 17 / 2 / Daughter of Frisk and Haley
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