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Split Dimensions | School Bus Graveyard

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Jordan Banner was a normal teenage girl but born with Radiography she could see the X-Rays of anything something that no human can do, her twin sister Ashlyn on the other hand was diagnosed with tinnitus meaning she wore headphones or earplugs to stop the ringing, or the sounds she heard that she called phantom noises, they were always the quiet kids that never had friends, they were okay with that as long as they had each other.

But until a guy came along Aiden Clark with his cousin Ben Clark, Aiden was the energetic guy that wouldn't shut up while Ben was the quiet one and didn't talk, Ashlyn and Jordan tried to brush him off and ignore him but he was unbearable to not talk or answer, so when they went on a field trip to Savannah things changed.

Not only did the twins now have friends but they were all sick for a week after coming back, every time they would fall asleep they would wake up in another world, one that wasn't normal it was like they were stuck in a horror movie, if you got hurt it wouldn't show up just be sore or sting a little, but they didn't know what would happen if you died.

All they knew is that they called the things in the other world Phantoms.

Can they stop the cycle?

Will they tell their parents?

And how much longer can they go?

• not my seasons or characters
• tyler hernandez x jordan banner (oc)
• season one - season two
• cover art by : lilredbeany
• enjoy!
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